Thursday, December 3, 2009

Practical Four

I learnt about Meta-Search engines in this tutorial. Even though the concept is not new to me, the only times I came across it is by accident. I found it rather irritating and confusing as it isn't a definite search engine. With so many sources, the likelihood of unrelated sources would be much higher and more time would be needed to sift through the results to find appropriate sources.

While it was a new experience using a different a meta-search engine to research my resources, I was quite uncomfortable with using such a resource as I was quite unfamiliar.

I don't think I will be using Meta-Search engines very much. It tends to come up with results that are quite useless to my query. Such as when I was searching for the "role of robots in society", several results turned up teaching me to build my own robot.

Collaborating on Wiki with other students is yet another new experience. The only other time i discussed with other people online is via Instant Messengers or online forums. With Wiki, the information is much more organised and information I might not have come across can bev found by the other student I'm collaborating with.

However, sometimes it does get annoying when the information that I found has also been found by the other party and already put on the Wiki page, rendering the things I found repetitive and useless.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Practical Three

For Practical 3, I learnt about various Search Engines and the purposes they serve. I had no idea that there was such a thing as "Google Scholar". Google Scholar is a search engine that narrows its search results down to academic journals and research reports. While I do not have to use it often, it will prove very useful in research for my reports and in the future.

I also found out about search strategies to narrow my search results to what I need, and not together with other rubbish that might not be related. I used this phrase for my research query:
(Discuss) and (robot* or machine) and (role or function) and (culture or environment*)
This narrowed my my query down and gave me useful information for the subject.

My eyes were opened as to how useful Google really is. It has been done up to become very user-friendly. Drop-menus and "searching under categories" really help in what I want to look for. No wonder Google is the top search website in the world =)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Second week in EIR

A week has passed and I'm now on my second lesson.

Today we learnt about different types of internet websites and how they facilitate internet research. To know what kind of information you want, you have to know where to find them. Knowledge of different websites would be a great aid in narrowing your search. It is a wonder how a system that was originally designed for the US militiary in World War 2 would become so beneficial and accessible to the world today.

Today, we also had an exercise with $500 (imaginary) to go online shopping! How COOL? Of course, it would be way better if we were each given real money but what the heck...

I went on to Amazon .com to "buy" the "Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Volumes 1,2,3".

I've just gotten back to reading the series and I'm absolutely hooked! Even if it did cost me a hefty USD94.50.

Of course, I went on to buy some CDs and vinyl records. That cost me almost $50!

Of course, $500 isn't enough to buy a record player so I'll just have to wait for the next "$500" to be given out.

till next time!

Oh! Check this out!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

About Me

I am Darius! Want to know my Chinese name? Well too bad. I don't tell you.

I'm currently in my third year in the Diploma in Communications and Media Management at Business School.

During my free time, I like to surf the net and catch up with friends online through MSN. playing the guitar is also a nice way to unwind after a long day. I enjoy listening to Blues music - Stevie ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, John Mayer, etc.

I don't watch much TV. Just some series that include How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and House MD.

I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, be it catching dinner, or playing bridge in some unknown corner in town.