Thursday, January 14, 2010

Practical Seven - My Dream Holiday

Since young, I had always wanted to visit places that are unlike Singapore. I've seen so much of Singapore and it's tropical climate. I've also seen neighbouring countries like malaysia and Thailand. Where I want to go is somewhere faraway. Somewhere colder and different from Singapore. Somewhere like:


The grass is so green. The skies are so clear. The air is so fresh. It truly looks like a beautiful escape from the hustle and bustle of the busy life in Singapore.

I love how all the buildings and greenery form such a nice combination. It's truly a marvelous sight to behold when taking a stroll beside one of these lakes, looking at the mountains in the horizon.

It is not just the scenery that draws me there. The history and culture of the country is also somewhat interesting. Stories like William Tell and Heidi that I heard when I was young were actually from Switzerland!

Of course, all these things that I know about Switzerland are found online. I used this Website -

Purpose - While the purpose of the website is not clearly stated, one can tell that it is to promote travel and possibly, emigration to the beautiful country. And if so, I think they have done a good job, 'cos I certainly want to go there now after seeing the website and reading the various bits of information there.

Coverage - The website explains and covers a very huge area of attractions, statistics and even about their political issues. It covers other topics like culture, geography, business opportunities and even scientific advancements.

Authority - I think the URL of the website kind of explains that it is an authoritative source.
The URL came up top of the list when I searched it with a search engine as well.

Accuracy - The information presented is pretty accurate to what I know. While it is a website promoting the country, I feel the biasness is minimal. It presents its ideologies and political beliefs very clearly and informatively.

Currency - I can't seem to find a statement stating the date which it was last updated. However, since it is not a news site, the information presented is pretty much standard and would stay the same throughout. And since it is powered by the Swiss National Tourist Office,, the information should be pretty updated to avoid confusion.

Accessibility - All information is freely accessible on this site. No registration is required.

Presentation and Arrangement - The presentation is excellent! Flash animations certainly aid the user visually and entices them to go further. The links are well mapped out as well, sorted into tabs that are easily traced and navigated.

Overall - I love it. This website only serves to make me want to visit Switzerland even more.

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